Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Letter To Myself

My Dearest 2008,

" to relive your darkest moments..." 

The mind is an amazing work of art. It has the ability to draw colors and lines around buried emotions. It prepares the soul to adjust to the immediate shift of its surroundings. An outer body experience - another sense of self roaming the earth on a White Horse. The beginning of self discovery through change and loss.   

My Dearest 2009,

"...every demon want's his pound of flesh..."

Riding in the Dark Forest through the Age of Change. I feel the sharp sting of an arrow hit me from a hidden bush. I hesitate to look for she is the self I left behind. Separate passion from slavery.  
A New King has been crowned to inspire the spirit of his people. He ruled "no jot of blood"!!! Leaps and bounds with no glass to break, for "We The People" Own the Sky... 

My Dearest 2010,  

"...and I've been a fool and I've been blind...."

Hope resides in my heart but there is no light. My lovely guide has lead me thus far but I keep looking back. Shadows creep and sway along the branches... I ride faster. Lost... confused but I keep going. Finally absorbing the truth of the last few years. My passion is growing stronger and is leading itself through the Dark...   

My Dearest 2011, 

"...tonight I'm goin bury that horse in the ground..."

I see a glimpse of light and it gets brighter more profound as I get closer. My companion has lost momentum. My storm is ready to walk a path alone. The Heavy is no longer...

I can finally MOURN...

I Release You! 

I Release Myself! 

The motherly soul of a child was reborn and brought balance back to the Universe.

"Its always darkest before the dawn"

Flakes of amber drizzle along the Morning Sky. Raining earthly apples brown sugary winds doughy clouds RISE... culminating in 5...4...3...2...1 

Happy New Year!!!! 


Can you smell the APPLE PIE!!!! 

Love Always, 

Acting and Apple Pie


  1. I love this, one can only smile!!!!

  2. That's exactly how you let go.....
    Inspired strength, clear ambitions and the ultimate will not to look back.
