Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mr. Good Bar

I saw from the corner of my eye. In a glance...flashbacks of moments in the same Universe different atmosphere. A distant want that took years to embrace. Intense scene...panning slowly. No emotional connection vested except a deep hopeful organic powerful beginning!!!

"Joe, a glass for the lady."

"How are you? Its been years..."

"I'm well."

"How is..."


"Nice. I... "

"Don't... FEEL."

The sound of an orchestra playing rhythmic pieces with the bass of my heartbeat. Strings vibrating against cords that were once deceased inside me. The sense of control and letting go with every sip. Pulsating hill country vineyards on the north side of the Rhine River.Tasting the sweat of each grape melting. Hint of crisp sweet apple notes drumming intoxicating flow of blood pumping... echoes of the tiniest veins throbbing. Wanting to stare but looking away. Wanting to run. Instead I stay. Images of what could and will be. Images of what could and won't be. Images of release and a sense of security.


"Joe, another glass for the lady!"

Acting and Apple Pie 

Enjoy a scene from one of my favorite movies...Looking for Mr. Good Bar


  1. Intense I want more, that's how you capture me with this entry. ..Great job Kailn


  2. very capturing words :) keeps me wanting to read more :) great job :)
