Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Apple of My Eye...

Early morning part of me...the unknown. Heart excited about rehearsal. Just got a call a few nights ago to rush and come in for a blind reading. Unbeknownst to her, a being waiting to be filled with breath. Letter word sentence scene manifest into a truth that started with an impregnated thought and a pen. Who is she...Where did she grow up... How much education does she have? Well... I know the writer.... so she should be quite witty. What stage in her life will we merge into one. Or submerge myself into her. I wonder how old she is and if she's social. I hope so because I never learn to be, but in her perhaps... I can... mind is racing because she is only 53 mins away.

Train door close, coffee station I have time. That will make me more anxious. I should have prepared the house better. I wonder if she will like my decor choices. Will her parents approve of our union? Damn, I hope so. They'll cast me. Will I live up to her standards....

Mantra… the world must hear her VOICE!

                                                                    Birth Certificate
Date of Birth:                       October 20, 2011
Time of Birth:                       10:21AM
Birth Place:                           Studio 5, Dance New Amsterdam…New York ,New York
Gender:                                Female
Name:                                  Samantha
Weight:                                123.5lbs
Father:                                 Director/Writer Kamal Symonette-Dixon
Mother:                               Director/Writer Kamal Symonette-Dixon

I just met Samantha…
A smart, sexy, classy, I’m-gonna-take-your-man African American Apple of my eye 20's something lawyer. Well it said 30ish give a take a few years in my opinion.

Landing back...

Now I can finally focus on the two baby showers I have to plan.
Funny thing is…I don’t know the first thing about preparing for a newborn baby!!! HELP!!!

Acting and Apple Pie

This entry is dedicated to the strong beautiful expecting mothers in my life.

Jocelyn Sapadin
Amanda Charles
Amy Carey-Jones
Nechia Callender

1 comment:

  1. I love you :)
    your friendship is a gift that I treasure.
    so proud of you.
