Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekly Slice: The Cerebral-C​lock-Out


I tripped on my thoughts and stumbled across the Universe back to the arms of Destiny. Celebrating a victorious helplessness of greatness. All things come to full circle based on faith. The recipe of my soul... sugary driven passion resilient cinnamon courage with a doughy loving filling and some DAMN loyal Apples!!!


Every step left behind and moving forward formed perfectly through the belief in me, myself and the most high. Barefoot, leaving sandy kimono because I believe in my own right to BE...

Check it...

Dance with the wind, shake another mountain, add more wood and play with that fire. Run to the edge of the rainbow and JUMP!

We are no longer in Kansas....

From Defined to Undefined to Redefined... Limits exist in the abyss of nothingness..Tears from a guilty subconscious... Prepare for war and murder the survival mode!!! Gather the momentum to LIVE what burns your HEAVY heart when you drift off in space... at the office place.


Acting and Apple Pie


  1. Dear author!!
    You are brilliant and most certainly not from around here (I am a Martian" lil Wayne). I found this entry to be the most moving for me as it focuses on what truly matters in life: one's happiness and the pursuit and attainment of one's most inconceivable dreams. Thank you for blessing us all with ur ability to think outside of the box and shower us with ur words of wisdom. I am now reAdy to prepare for war in the hunt for my survival mode. Looking forward to reading ur future entries!
    Sincerely yours,
    Dream Conquerer

  2. while rading this, i felt like i was reading a great peice of ART.... the way you paint the scean with your words..... very captivating :) keep up the great work :)

    AC :)

  3. I really enjoy reading your blogs. They are deep and uplifting. Keep up the great work.

  4. Beautifully written as usual!!! Actress and poet... What can't you do?!? Xoxo
