Friday, August 22, 2014

My Cup Runneth Over 

Refreshing your glass...I live to breathe, to feel, to grow, to allow my mind to escape and find the exceptional.

Let's have a conversation.

Where are you from...Who made you.

Your mother, your father, God.

Who's your family, the Universe. We share the same kin.

What do you love. Money, fame, people, connections, spirits, your neighbor, me.

I love...the color of a rain drop on my nose. The fragrance of the earth when we breathe in. The idea that I may know your intimate thoughts. 

You move me. I live for you.

You ask...

Go find me a country. One with a breeze of freedom and reckless inhibition. I shall...

You ask...

Fetch me a hero. One with a heart of gold but afraid to live. Breakdown that character and embody the spirit. I shall...

My happy balance...located in your overflowing glass. 

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