Friday, April 6, 2012

The Daily Journey

Yes I get lost...

Lost in my head, lost in my space, lost in time.

I find myself living to the fullest when I am in love and living in another shoes. Walk the path of greatness or destruction. But all to teach...

I am an Actor...

With all its glorious moments are moments of "where to land next". Spinning until my world is as dizzy as me. I like to laugh and feel high on my "NOW" moments that make me whole.

At the end of the day... My happiness is all around me...

The seat that was given to me on train,
The Audition,
the final kiss out of 20 at the elevator,
the poetic words of the unfortunate that ask me for help,
The Callback,
kisses to the Sun,
the little girl across from me that smiled,
the sound of Boom Clap Bachelors Lob Stop Sta,
the smell of Egyptian musk,
howling at the Moon,
the toast to everlasting love,
the smell of freshly made apple pie,
On Set,
101 million toast to winning the lottery,
finding a vegan fast food joint,
the look in your eyes,
my rating from 1 to 10 every time the pilot lands the plane,
On Stage,
Finding the lyrics to Lob Stop Sta,
sweaty palms that hold mine, 
every "hello"
every "I'll see you tonight"...

There are a sea of reasons why I woke up this morning... I found happiness in being alive!!!!

Love Always,
Acting and Apple Pie

... Miles Away

....Nature Boy

The misty rain and I have a quite love affair. Every time moisture fills up the space in which I breathe...through a foggy window around the brownstone where I sleep. It gives me comfort, a kind of intimate expression from a higher nature. A picturesque scene of unused umbrellas... bluesy soundtracks of an inner love for one's thoughts. A moment to self-reflect on the most precious times in our lives... "The Now"

....I Thought About You

To Exist is to Love! When light enters the operatic sounds of your core... Everything falls in its natural place. Naturally what you think you become... Naturally what you love will love you... Naturally your passions overflow into a surplus of Epic Happiness.

....In A Sentimental Mood

The stroke of Midnight... A mystical intense pause in time...the savory well planned whipped organic freshness served from the eyes. Lingering sensations bursting!!! A refined palate soothing bones and elevating souls.

 ....Kind of Blue

I can still hear the sound of raindrops falling against the fire escape.

Love Always

Acting and Apple Pie

**snapping fingers**

Dedicated to the 15 rainy days in January