Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Prelude

There will be a moment when I will express my deep love for my hometown. Heart in hand and breathless. Spilling secrets, giving advice on where to dine or using my universal language to articulate train directions. New Yorkers are kindhearted. The real New Yorkers! The center of the world raised me and I must do it justice. This is an introduction to my next level of growth, expanding my mind and increasing the net worth of my soul.

Its not that I have no words...I just have more to feel. More of a sense of where I'm from to where I would like to be. Art, travel, people, conversations and experiences that leave me with an orgasmic memory.

A moment of silence when life pushes you to move forward....

Here's a quote I would like to share from the final episode of "No Reservations" in Brooklyn, New York.

From my soulful virtual friend and fellow New Yorker...

Anthony Bourdain's final goodbye:

"It's been a wild ride. A lot of miles, a road sometimes smooth, sometimes hard and ugly. And I guess I could tell you that if you look hard enough, that just next door is just as interesting as the other side of the world, but that's not exactly true. If I do have any advice for anybody, any final thought, if I'm and advocate for anything, it's to move as far as you can, as much as you can, across the ocean or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in somebody else's shoes or at least eat their food, it's a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the couch, MOVE!"

Acting and Apple Pie

Thank you for stopping by...